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Part Two: My Art Collectors Share Their Art Journey

Writer: Linda ChidoLinda Chido

What do my art collectors have to say about their art collecting experiences?

I am honored to introduce you all to my oldest and dearest friend, Rachel Webb. She and I have been friends for, ahem, many years! When I asked her if she would share her art collecting journey with you, I wasn't quite prepared for the trip down memory lane. She is an archivist extraordinaire and has all kinds of art tid bits I imagined long gone.

In addition to being witness to my humble artistic beginnings and having a collection of my art like no other, she is quite the artist herself as a writer and a seasoned journalist. She is also a Pit Bull advocate, a popcorn connoisseur, can rock out some serious car karakoe, and is the biggest Buffalo Bills football fan ever to walk the planet - all of which I can attest to.

Without further ado here's Rachel's story:


My journey as an art collector:

I've been an art collector since I was a kid and didn't know it. I do now, thanks to Linda. In her most recent blog post, Linda wrote,"if you buy art, you're an art collector." It was only then I thought, "hey, I'm a freakin' art collector!" I never thought of myself as an art collector, yet it "clicked" when I read my wise friend's words. What a revelation! I think it is pretty cool.

Linda was a born artist and her undeniable talent continues to soar. What an honor to have been there from the beginning!

You see, I've known Linda most of my life. We met as children, when her family and my grandparents were neighbors. We became playmates and fast friends.... and while Lin and I lived in different parts of town, it didn't stop us or our friendship. We kept in touch the old fashioned way... handwritten letters through the U.S. Postal Service. Those were the days before texting and tweeting... and when I unknowingly became an art collector. All those doodles, drawings and sketches in those letters - I cannot wait to unearth those gems from my mom's basement this Winter. I saved them all.

It was on my Sweet 16th birthday that I received my first framed piece of Linda's art. She gifted me with a pencil drawing of a girl sitting at the edge of a dock. Simple, deep and dreamy at the same time. I love how its evoked different perspectives over the years and continues to do so. It is a treasure that will always hang on my wall.

When I was a high school senior, my yearbook page was due. As per usual, I waited until the last minute and as always, it was Lin to my rescue. While I searched for a photo of Lin and myself to fill a spot, she nonchalantly grabbed a piece of scrap paper and in mere minutes, penciled a sweet depiction of us. It's simply perfect and forever lives in the 1986 Nichols School yearbook.

Some years later, Linda gifted me her masterpiece of a woman looking out a window. While my description lacks, Lin's painting is stunning, mesmerizing and thought-provoking. I gaze at it often and wonder as I wander through it's beauty.

After losing my 11-year-old Labrador, Bella, I opened my mail to find an incredible color-pencil drawing of my special one-eye girl. The beauty and detail in Lin's piece perfectly captures the pure love that was my Bella.

And for my birthday last year, my mail revealed another surprise... a watercolor painting combining two of my favorite things - vintage VW buses and the Buffalo Bills! Lin's “Billieve” painting is magical. It fills me with joy, pride, hippie vibes and team spirit! #GoBills #GoLinda

Big thanks to Lin for asking me to share my journey. It has me all in my "feels". And to you all, may your journeys as art collectors (I bet you are one and didn't know it too) bring YOU all the "feels".


Rachel aka Rae


Art is everywhere and it's easy to become an art collector. As my dear friends Lulu and Rae have attested to. That piece you bought on a vacation, that find in a second hand shop, or shoeboxes filled with scribbles from a childhood friend who happened to become a professional artist. All of those make you an art collector!

Are you ready to join them? How can I help? I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have about art and/or art collecting.

As always, creatively yours ~ Linda


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